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Why Saxophone Is Awesome

Why Saxophone Is Awesome

The main reasons for me as to why saxophone is awesome, are actually quite simple.

Playing the saxophone is awesome !  Playing the saxophone with other people is awesome.  Playing the saxophone by myself/yourself is awesome.  Having doors open and opportunities knock, because of my saxophone, is awesome.

Recently, I was fortunate enough to be invited to perform as part of the cast of Nuworks Theatre at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

International Saxophonist of Mystery.

Quite simply, if I did not play the saxophone, I most likely would not have been invited.

We performed two different shows while we were overseas in Edinburgh.  One, called “That Bastard Brecht”, had a live band of which I was a key part.  My saxophone got featured front and centre in a few of the songs.  There were a few rock star moments that I will confess that I really enjoyed 🙂

Dad and Daughter

(When I grow up, I’m going to be a rock star….which is another reason why saxophone is awesome.  My rock star prospects are certainly NOT based on my looks…)

The other show was called “The Electra Legacy”.  I did not get to play my saxophone in this show.  However, I did get to act, dance and sing – with people who are far more skilled at these concepts that I ever will be.  Awesome fun !

I can act, but I’m not very good at it.  And don’t mention my dancing…. think the Banana Splits Show opening song, and that will give you a good idea about my dancing skills.

My point is, I would not have been invited to perform in this show either, if I did not play the saxophone.

This recent Edinburgh Fringe Festival experience would not have come about for me if I did not play the saxophone.  This is why saxophone is awesome !!!!


Rock Star or Bedroom Warrior ?


Either way, the saxophone is awesome.  Being able to play your favourite song on your saxophone – irrespective of what song that might be – is simply a joy.

Whether you are playing music in a stadium or concert hall in front of thousands of people, in a dingy pub or club, or by yourself in your bedroom or lounge room, is not the point.  All of these possible options are enjoyable.

The saxophone gives you the choice.  Impress the crowd, impress your friends, impress your kids or grand children.  There are no gender issues, or musical style issues, or age issues.  The saxophone does it all, from heavy metal death music, to classical, to jazz, to funk, to rock, to pop, to dance, to cultural music, to relaxation music and anywhere/everywhere in between.

You are never too old to learn how to play the saxophone – there is no age barrier.  Yes, many people start to learn in their later primary school or early high school years.  However, many others start in the 20’s or 30’s or 40’s or 50’s or 60’s or 70’s or older.  If you want to learn sax, then just go for it !


Meditation and Relaxation.


Another reason as to why saxophone is awesome is because of it’s potential zen-like qualities.

The saxophone can be used as a form of relaxation or even meditation.

Being able to play your favourite music on your sax can allow you to tune out the rest of the world.  You can escape from reality and “just play”.

When you play your saxophone, nothing else matters.

Worries of the day can melt away.  Tension and stress gives way to relaxation and comfort.

It doesn’t matter what kind of music you might be playing – getting lost in making your music and playing your saxophone can allow you to forget about everything else.  Simply concentrating on your saxophone can act like a power nap.  Blink, and suddenly an hour has gone by when you’ve got a saxophone in your mouth !


Social Saxophone.


Music can be a great way to meet and interact with people.  You don’t even need to speak the same language when playing your saxophone !!  This adds to the why saxophone is awesome argument.

Being able to say “I play the sax” instantly grants you cool points and is a great ice-breaker.  People are impressed almost instantly.  Guitarists are a dime a dozen.  Saxophonists, on the other hand, while not totally unique, are certainly much less prevalent in the world of music.  This scarcity makes you much more interesting.

When talking to people, you can introduce the topic of music.  Someone will know someone who plays in a band / orchestra / musical group…they rehearse on Wednesday evenings and they need a saxophone…would you like to join them next week ?

Of course you would !!

I have actually turned up at pubs and venues with my saxophone, or introduced myself to other musicians playing their instruments, or searched online for local “saxophonists wanted” advertisements.

G’day, my name is Matthew.  Can I join in and play with you please ?

More often than not, the answer is “Sure !”.

I have made life long friends with my saxophone.

This is the real reason why saxophone is awesome.



P.S.  If you would like simple step by step instructions to help you learn how to play the sax (and possibly have incredible experiences like my Edinburgh Fringe Festival trip), all neatly organised in the one convenient location, all provided by an experienced saxophone teacher who can help you to play the music that you want to play quickly and easily, then check out our saxophone lessons membership options.  Get started on your saxophone journey today !


Remember – whether you just want to play a few songs by yourself, or if you want to be a rock star when you grow up, I can help you learn How To Play The Sax 🙂


YES – I want to Have Fun, Play Sax, Be Awesome and Repeat !


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