Saxophone Lessons
Stuck at home or have extra time on your hands ?
Learn How To Play The Saxophone quickly and easily – without reading music – today !
Want to learn
how to play the saxophone,
but you are not sure where to start ?
You’ve come to the right place !
I help beginner saxophone players of all ages learn how to play their favourite
Rock, Soul, Funk, Blues and Classic Hits songs WITHOUT READING MUSIC
– quickly and easily – with my online saxophone lessons Membership.
YOU have the ability to play saxophone inside you already. I can help you unlock and unleash it !
Say NO to stuffy and boring saxophone lessons.
Have you always dreamed of learning how to play saxophone, but have never had the chance ? Learn saxophone here !
Why is it that most saxophone teachers make learning the saxophone so tedious that you lose the will to live ? Not here. Music should be fun !
Are you sick and tired of sticking to someone else’s schedule and learning what they are forcing you to learn at a time and place that suits them ? Here you can play when, where and what you want to play !
Are you having difficulty even finding a saxophone teacher to help you learn how to play the saxophone ? I can help you !
Have you got more time on your hands now….and learning how to play the sax has always been on your “to do” list….? Let’s have some fun while achieving your goals !
Are you a Do It Yourself kind of person – you want to learn saxophone, but you know deep down that some help would be really useful ? Let’s learn saxophone together and speed up your saxophone learning curve !
Worried about learning how to read music ? No need – we’ve got easy to read Cheat Sheets for you to download !
My saxophone lessons are fun, with the occasional Dad Joke thrown in – but we’ll still efficiently and professionally get you playing the songs that YOU want to play on your saxophone – and give you the skills and chops to keep going 🙂
Save Time
24 x 7 x 365 access.
Save More Time
Save Money
Save Frustration
Learn at Your Own Pace
Take your time. No rush. Chill out. Relax. No stress. No pressure. Or binge watch. Watch and play along with each lesson as often as you like. Unlimited access for Monthly and Yearly Members.
Learn Fundamentals
Get the help you need with reeds, mouthpieces, neck straps, how to hold your sax, breathing, embouchures, fingering, tonguing, notes, scales – even what sunglasses to wear when you become a rock star… 😎
Quick and Easy
No B.S.
Beginner Saxophone Lessons
These Beginner Saxophone Lessons are for the both the Young and the Young-At-Heart.
Learn Great Songs
We’ll start with the easy songs, then we’ll move on to learning the GOOD ONES !! Hint: most of the Classic Hits songs are actually not as hard as you might think ! Rock, Soul, Blues, Funk, Disco, Country and more…. (and maybe a Christmas carol or two just for good measure)….. Want to learn a particular song ? Request it in the Members Forums 😉

My name is Matthew….
Have Fun. Play Saxophone. Be Awesome. Repeat.
Let me help you learn how to play the saxophone.
So – what do you get ? What’s in the box ?
When you become a Member here at , you get immediate access to an ever increasing series and library of online saxophone lessons. You can log in to the Members Area at any time that you like and complete as many of the video saxophone lessons that you want. All you need is an internet connection and a saxophone.
We start at the very beginning, with putting your saxophone together for the first time, and playing your first notes. We move on to some simple and basic songs, like Hot Cross Buns and Mary Had A Little Lamb – this is to get your fingers, your mouth and your ears all working together. We learn a few more notes and a few quick scales – again, to make sure that you are going to succeed with the main goal – playing AWESOME songs.
We very quickly move on to some real songs, some cool songs, rock, soul, funk and blues songs. We are all about quick wins here, to get you playing as quickly as possible, and helping you become the saxophone legend that you know you can be !
There is also a handy section of video saxophone lessons showing you how to play every single note on the saxophone. Use this as a reference to go back to if you find yourself unsure of how to play a particular note in a particular octave.
Inside the Members Area, as well as the video saxophone lessons, there are PDF Cheat Sheets that you can download, have on screen or print out and keep. These will help you with the notes for the particular song that you are learning, from that specific lesson. We are not into complicated musical theory with little black circles on horizontal lines……We make reading the notes easy, by using our ears and the Cheat Sheets !
You also get instant access to the Members Only forums. Here you can ask questions and get answers. Not sure about something you’ve seen or heard and how that translates for you and your saxophone ? Ask in the forums ! I am in the forums almost every day. I may not be able to answer your question within 5 seconds, but I will answer your question 🙂

Learn by Doing
It is a well known fact that having a guide and a mentor will accelerate your learning and bring your goals closer – and achieve them in record time. By watching the saxophone lessons inside the Members Area, you too will be rock’n and roll’n in no time. By slowing things down, we will speed up your saxophone journey.

Play the music YOU want to play !
I want to encourage you to play the kind of music that you want to play. Yes, we will need to get your fingers working properly on your saxophone – and the best way to do that is for me to teach you some scales. Sorry ! However, we will expand on this and jump in quickly to playing real music, real songs, useful songs, fun songs, awesome songs. Rock, Soul, Blues, Funk, Disco – 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s classics.
So NO to tedium !

Achieve your musical goals
Maybe you want to pick up the saxophone again after not playing it since you were at High School. Maybe you just want to learn how to be able to play a particular song or three. Maybe you’ve tried once or twice with a dull and boring teacher and lost the will to live. Perhaps you want to impress your husband or wife, or friends, or your children or grandchildren. Perhaps you now have the time to learn how to play the saxophone for yourself ? Maybe you ARE going to be a rock star when you grow up, but you weren’t allowed to at the time….go on… you know you want to….

“My goal is to help you play the music that YOU want to play”
Please feel free to ask !
Who is this Saxophone Lessons Membership for ?
Baby Boomers, Generation Jones, Generation X – perhaps you are retired, or winding down, the kids have finished school, you’ve got the time and the desire to learn saxophone.
Generation Y and Z – you’ve left university, you’re in the thick of life with jobs, families, responsibilities and commitments. But you want to do something for yourself, like learn saxophone….
Parents of late primary or high school students – maybe you don’t live close to a saxophone teacher, maybe your kids school (or home school) does not have a good music program, but they want to play sax.
Who is this NOT for ?
People who want to play classical music. Sorry – there are much better classical music teachers out there than me ! But if you want to play rock or soul or classic hits from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s then you’ve come to the right place.
People who want to learn about music theory above actually playing saxophone. Here we get on with actually PLAYING SAXOPHONE rather than learning about majors, minors, key signatures and little black dots.
People who want to play and learn about complicated jazz chord progressions. Don’t get me wrong, jazz is fantastic, but we are here to make things easy for you, not difficult. We are here to help you learn rock, soul and classic hits – and to help you have fun along the way.
Do I need a saxophone ?
YES – you will need access to a saxophone. Alto Sax or Tenor Sax ? Soprano sax or Baritone Sax ?
At this stage, ALMOST ALL of the lessons inside the Members Area are for ALTO Saxophone.
Tenor saxophone lessons coming soon.
Perhaps you could rent a sax for a couple of months, perhaps you could borrow or even buy one – but you will need one to play along with the saxophone lessons in the Members Area.
Saxophone Lessons When and Where ?
When-ever and where-ever you like !
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year access. All you need is an internet connection and your saxophone.
No scheduling issues, no travel time, learn how to play the saxophone when and where it suits YOU 🙂
Am I too old for this ?
NO ! You are never too old to learn the saxophone. The online saxophone lessons in the Members Area are designed for beginner and future saxophonists of all ages. The song choices and teaching style is designed around beginner musicians ranging in age from 10 to 110.
If you can click a mouse, you can learn saxophone !
Am I too young for this ?
If you or your child are under the age of 10, then yes. Other than that – NO you are not too young ! The video saxophone lessons are G rated and family friendly. The songs are deliberately chosen to not have rude words or too much innuendo.
If you or your child are above the age of 10 years old, you will be able to pick up and handle an Alto Saxophone. 10-12 year old students may need some guidance and would benefit with some parental input during these lessons…but only a little !
Do I need to read music ?
NO !! All of our lessons are designed to help you PLAY BY EAR. With simple Cheat Sheets to help you, you will be playing your favourite songs in no time.
What is the time commitment ?
Like most things in life, you get out what you put in. Inside the Members Area, there are plenty of beginner saxophone lessons to get you started – and plenty more on the way. It is recommended that you play your saxophone if not every day, then certainly every other day. 5, 10, 15 minutes practice every day certainly beats 30, 60 90 minutes practice once a week. The lessons themselves range in time from 5 to 35 minutes each. Most private music teachers suggest one lesson per week. Here, you could easily do 2 or 3 or more if you are inspired – it’s totally up to you ! Don’t forget to practice your saxophone !!!
What is the financial commitment ?
There are three choices to make your decision easier. Either a Once Off fee to access the first 23 lessons within the members area and all of the forums, OR a full access all areas Monthly fee, OR a full access all areas Yearly fee.
The Once Off fee choice is exactly that – a one time only charge to access the first 23 lessons. The Monthly or Yearly choices are automatically renewed Monthly or Yearly, with on going access to all EXISTING and NEW FUTURE content. No commitment, cancel any time with just 3 mouse clicks. Please note that there are no refunds, due to the instant availability of all of the lessons, backing tracks and Cheat Sheets.
Is there a trial period ?
YES. The first two weeks for the Monthly (and Yearly) options is only $1 and gives you full access to everything. If you like it, you don’t have to do anything and you will automatically be billed for the next and subsequent months until you cancel. Alternatively, you can change your membership yourself to the Yearly option, or choose the Beginners Course, or cancel if you would like (but we’d hate to see you go)….it’s up to you !
Can I cancel at any time ?
YES. You can cancel at ANY time with just three mouse clicks. We would hate to see you go, but there are no lock in contracts here. Stay for as long as you want 🙂