Bigger, Better, Stronger, Faster.
No one likes a slow website.
We all want our information, and we want it now…..why can’t I have it now….aaarrrgggghhh…. give it to me now !!!
Have you ever mumbled grumpily under your breath, “why is this website so slow !?!” ?
Cars need different sized engines to achieve different outcomes. A small run-around car for driving to the shops needs a different engine to a formula one racing car as does a long haul truck engine.
The small run-around car has a little hair dryer engine because that is all it needs.
The formula one racing car has a huge fast engine built for speed over shorter distances.
The long haul truck has a powerful engine built for constant travelling over long distances and longer times.
Websites are the same.
Some websites need smaller engines, some websites need speed and some others need power.
This can be a constant battle for the website owners…..such as myself !
Here at , I want you the beginner saxophonist who is just starting out with your beginner saxophone lessons to have the best experience possible while using this website.
I want you to get what you want – saxophone lessons, saxophone information, and answers to your saxophone questions – when you want it.
The problem is (and admittedly it’s a nice problem to have) now that there are many people from all over the world all visiting and logging in to this website, the previous “engine” behind the scenes was starting to strain.
Then add in to the mix that I have been adding more blog posts, more pages, more saxophone lessons, more videos, more images, more Cheat Sheets, more resources: more of everything to help you learn how to play the saxophone.
With an increasing number of people all trying to make use of the previously limited resources – from a computer speak perspective, the back end server RAM and CPU allocations – quite simply I was noticing a general slow down of performance.
I want you all to have the best saxophone lessons experience possible. I want you to be confident that when you come here to learn how to play the saxophone, you won’t have to worry about slow performance – either from your saxophone lessons or from my website.
I want Google to know that this is a fast website that users want to spend time on.
To this end I have upgraded the engine behind this website.
It now has more speed and more power.
It is now noticeably faster from where I am in Melbourne, Australia. Various website testing tools also are suggesting that it is noticeably faster from other locations all over the world.
A better user experience will be a more enjoyable user experience.
A more enjoyable user experience will translate into more time spent playing and learning saxophone.
More time spent on your saxophone lessons – on the blog and especially inside the Members Area – playing and learning saxophone means that your saxophone playing and your saxophone skills will become bigger, better, stronger and faster.
Just like my newly updated and increased back end server specifications.
Yes, the website looks exactly the same from a visitors perspective. However, please let it be known that I have spent a fair bit of time, effort and money on increasing the RAM and CPU server allocations.
I have also taken the opportunity to add in some new functionality to the Members Forums. This should help make it easier to use the forums, contact and ask me questions and to interact with others.
So – I have made it a bit easier for you to have fun, play saxophone, be awesome and repeat the whole process 🙂
P.S. If you would like simple step by step instructions to help you learn how to play the saxophone:
- all neatly organised in the one convenient location,
- all provided by an experienced saxophone teacher who can help you to play the music that YOU want to play quickly and easily,
- with a forum community to ask questions and receive (and give) answers
then check out our saxophone lessons membership options. Get started on your saxophone journey today !
Not a member yet ? Join us and get access to the always increasing library of saxophone lessons and PDF cheat sheets.
Remember – I can help you learn How To Play The Sax 🙂
YES – I want to Have Fun, Play Sax, Be Awesome and Repeat ! – where saxophone lessons come to YOU !
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