Black Friday Saxophone Lessons Sale
Who doesn’t like a Black Friday Saxophone Lessons Sale ?
If you have always wanted to learn how to play saxophone, then now is the time.
We’ve got over 220 Rock, Soul, Funk, Blues and Classic Hits saxophone lessons – all waiting for you to Have Fun, Play saxophone, Be Awesome and Repeat.
And our lessons library inside our Members Area increases each and every week.
Our philosophy here at is to help you enjoy your music, to encourage and help you to enjoy playing your saxophone, to play the songs that YOU want to play.
We start from the very beginning (because that’s a very good place to start) with putting your saxophone together, how to hold it, how to play it, mouths, embouchures, fingers, ears and notes.
We talk about playing by ear – without the need to read little black circles on horizontal lines – and help you with downloadable Cheat Sheets and on-screen note letters.
We talk about how if you can hear a song in your head, and if you can sing a song in your head, then you can play it on your saxophone.
And we have fun along the way.
Yes, there are Dad Jokes. Yes, there is a little bit of embarrassing dancing. Yes, we sing along a little bit too. But, if you can’t have fun when learning how to play the saxophone, then when can you have fun ?
If learning how to play saxophone has been on your list of “things to do” or your bucket list for a while, then NOW IS THE TIME to jump in and take advantage of our great Black Friday Saxophone Lessons Sale.
You get FULL access to all of the Saxophone Lessons, Saxophone Tutorials, Saxophone Cheat Sheets, Saxophone Videos, Saxophone Audios, Saxophone Backing Tracks, and Community the moment you become a Member.
During our Black Friday Saxophone Lessons Sale,
for only $33.33
Yes, this price is a nod to those of us who are old enough to remember and most likely own many of our favourite songs on vinyl records collection ! 😎🎷
This represents a saving of over 40% off three months full access !!!!
From there, after your 3 months is up, you automatically enjoy our current monthly price of only $19 USD per month for as long as you like. You can also cancel at any time with two clicks of your mouse.
Of course you only get out what you put in.
Without sugar coating it, It does realistically take a little while to learn how to play the saxophone. But, if you put in the effort (15 minutes playing your saxophone every day, or at least every second day), after your three month Black Friday Saxophone Lessons 3 Month Membership is finished, you will be in a position to play several of your favourite songs.
After your 3 Months Black Friday Saxophone Lessons Membership is finished, you will be in a position to keep going, keep having fun, keep playing your saxophone, keep being awesome and keep repeating for as long as you like.
Or you can cancel at any time – be that towards the end of your three months, or at month 6, or month 16, or year 4, or year 7, or anywhere in between.
Join Now and Beat the Price Rise.
If you fancy yourself as a bit of a Bedroom Warrior, or a Lounge Room Legend on your saxophone then come and join us.
If you have some musical goals, such as:
- playing your saxophone at your son or your grand-daughters 5th birthday (or 21st !) party,
- or surprising your spouse on your wedding day,
- or jamming with your friend who plays piano or guitar,
- or joining in with your friends band at the local pub or social club on a Friday or Saturday night,
- or simply just playing along with your favourite songs on record / vinyl , CD, Spotify, YouTube…or even cassette…,
then Become A Member here at TODAY and take advantage of our Black Friday Saxophone Lessons Sale.
But hurry, this rare Black Friday Saxophone Lessons Sale must end on 31st November, 2021.
Go on….you know you want to….
I’ll see you inside the Members Area.
Matthew 🎷
P.S. Beat the price rise at the beginning of December and start your saxophone journey now !
Not a member at yet ? Really ? Join us and get access to the always increasing library of saxophone lessons, our Members forums and PDF cheat sheets.
P.P.S. If you would like simple step by step instructions to help you learn how to play your favourite Rock, Soul, Funk and Blues songs on the saxophone:
- all neatly organised in the one convenient location,
- all provided by an experienced saxophone teacher who can help you to play the music that YOU want to play quickly and easily,
- without reading music,
- all available when ever it suits YOU (rather than when it suits someone else),
- with a forum community to ask questions and receive (and give) answers
then check out our saxophone lessons membership options. Get started on your saxophone journey today !
Remember – I can help you learn How To Play The Sax
YES – I want to Have Fun, Play Sax, Be Awesome and Repeat ! – where saxophone lessons come to YOU !
P.P.S.S. Our Black Friday Saxophone Lessons Sale must end on 31st November, 2021. And, our prices must rise on 1st of December, 2021. Don’t miss out.
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We will never spam you. Ever. Have Fun. Play Saxophone. Be Awesome. Repeat.