Come Together Saxophone Cover
Come Together is arguably one of The Beatles best know songs. What better way to pay tribute to one of the best bands in the world – ever – than with a Come Together Saxophone Cover ?
I was recently trawling through the backing tracks available on Youtube. You probably know already, there are some really good ones….and some absolute shockers.
Sorting through them, trying to find the proverbial needle in the haystack, I stumbled across a fantastic one that I really liked.
So I recorded this Come Together saxophone cover version.
I was quite inspired from this backing track, so I thought that I should make a video to go along with the audio.
Given that most of the world is in some form of lock down, I took the opportunity to go and play saxophone on the road in my local streets near my house.
There were so few cars that it was not a problem to set up the camera on a microphone stand in the middle of the road !
I did get one or two “video bomb” cars slow down and make various comments as I was playing my saxophone loudly on the round about.
And a few neighbours came out to watch too, which was amusing. They had almost as much fun as I did with my Come Together Saxophone Cover impromptu concert…..
I have managed to set myself some nice little musical projects during this lock down period.
I have created many more saxophone lessons for my Members. I have answered lots of questions via email and via video. I have recorded some fun songs, like Come Together by The Beatles. I have done some practice ( although admittedly probably not enough ) for the bands that I play with in preparation for the world returning to normal. I have even written and planned some blog posts for this website.
I have lots more planned.
The beauty of being a saxophonist is that you never run out of things to play or help others to play !
Have you made some progress with your saxophone playing while you have been stuck at home during March and April and May 2020 ?
Please let me know in the comments below 🙂
P.S. Don’t forget to Have Fun, Play Saxophone, Be Awesome and Repeat !!!
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