Hercules DS730B Saxophone Stand Review
In this post I want to give you my Hercules DS730B Saxophone Stand Review.
Everyone who plays the saxophone needs a saxophone stand.
The Hercules DS730B Saxophone Stand is tall. Surprisingly tall.
A couple of years ago, I hurt my back. This meant that bending down to pick up or put down my saxophones hurt like crazy. But, not playing my saxophones hurt more, so I did some research and found the Hercules DS730B Saxophone Stand.
Suddenly I could play my saxophones again without crying and swearing !
This saxophone stand is FANTASTIC for someone like me who struggles a little to bend down and pick up / put down heavy things….like saxophones….
Bells and Whistles
Because these stands can be extended and adjusted in height, they can be made almost as tall as most humans could ever need.
They are made predominantly of metal, so they are nice and strong.
They’ve got big knobs to make adjusting them easy.
They have got a nice wide footing, which means that even at full height (approx 4 feet or 130 cm) the Hercules DS730B Saxophone Stand does not so much as wobble.
The Auto Grip System (where this stand grips the bell of the saxophone) essentially gives your saxophone a loving hug.
The padded bell grips actually close around the bell of the saxophone by a mechanism that is triggered by the weight of the saxophone itself. A firm grip on your saxophone means that it is unlikely to fall when the drummer in your band stands up and accidentally knocks your saxophone.
It is a well known fact that Gravity and Saxophones do not mix. The Hercules DS730B Saxophone Stand takes this rule on board and does its best to ensure that Gravity has no impact on your saxophone.
From a Hercules DS730B Sax Stand Review perspective, what I really like is that it can be used for BOTH Alto and Tenor saxophones.
You can also use this sax stand while playing instead of a neckstrap – in either a sitting or standing position.
I like my Hercules DS730B Saxophone Stand. I’ve had it for a few years now and I take it with me where even and when ever I play my saxophone(s).
Click my affiliate links to get prices and have one delivered to your door without you even leaving the house: https://howtoplaythesax.com/HerculesDS730BsaxophoneStand
Please don’t forget to Have Fun, Play Saxophone, Be Awesome and Repeat 🙂
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Do you have one of these saxophone stands already ? What do you like about it ? What don’t you like about it ? Let me know in the comments below.
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