Homeschool Saxophone Lessons

As a homeschooling parent, you probably want the best for your young learners.  So when your child asks, “Can I learn how to play the saxophone ?”, you may find yourself doing a bit of research regarding homeschool saxophone lessons.

Maybe you and your family live in a rural area.  You don’t have easy access to a physical school due to the distance you might need to travel.  At a guess, therefore, it’s probably safe to assume that saxophone teachers are a fairly scarce commodity in your area too.

Perhaps you have decided to go down the homeschooling route for personal reasons.  You can do just as good a job at teaching your kids the three Rs as the schools in your area.  But, you don’t know how to play the saxophone, so how do you teach your budding rock star and give him/her the opportunity to learn something new ?

It’s not hard to do some research on specific topics for your homeschooling lessons – Maths, History, English, Sciences, Languages, Humanities and more lesson plans are all easily found for free or purchased relatively cheaply.

But music, music lessons and in particular saxophone lessons are difficult to come by.


Homeschool saxophone lessons are almost as rare as hens teeth.


YouTube is an amazing resource for parents who are homeschooling their children.  You can find lessons on pretty much everything under the sun.  There are sooooooo many of them !!  And lots of the lessons on YouTube are great.

The problem with YouTube is that it takes quite a while to separate the wheat from the chaff.

It takes ages to search, sort, watch and decide if this one particular lesson video is “good” or “not good”.

It is NOT a good idea to show a young person a video on YouTube without watching it first to assess its suitability. There are unfortunately many inappropriate videos cunningly disguised as “educational”…..

Please don’t rule YouTube out of your homeschooling toolbox, but be aware of the time it takes to find the gems.

There are several other homeschool saxophone lessons options available.

Udemy or Skillshare have some great online saxophone lessons.  You can find online saxophone lessons courses for great prices and can be safe in the knowledge that they are suitable for all ages and all skill levels.

Other options might be to search for specific saxophone lessons websites that provide membership options, or even once off individual saxophone lessons.  With video on the internet what it is these days, online learning and online music lessons are wonderful and viable options for your homeschooling requirements.

Individual teachers who want to help as many students as they can can set up their own websites to cater for homeschool learning.  Having online saxophone lessons that are both fun and “G” rated make life so much easier for both the student and the parent !

Skype or Zoom or online face-to-face saxophone lessons are another great alternative to being in the same room at the same time with a saxophone teacher.  But this is not as cheap an option as many homeschool parents might prefer.  You certainly can save a lot of travel time !


The opportunities for homeschool saxophone lessons are not as few and far between as they were a few years ago….but there are still only a few options worthy of consideration.


However, the point is that you can teach your child whatever they want to learn, or whatever you wish to teach them, with some amazing online resources.

Homeschool Saxophone Lessons

Keeping your child engaged, consistently over time, is one challenge that many homeschool parents face. An ongoing series of homeschool saxophone lessons can provide relief for the worried homeschooling parent and fun to the homeschool student.



P.S.  If you would like simple step by step instructions to help your child learn how to play the saxophone, all neatly organised in the one convenient location, all provided by an experienced saxophone teacher who can help you and your child to play the music that THEY want to play quickly and easily, then check out our saxophone lessons membership options.  Get started on your saxophone journey today !


Remember – I can help you learn How To Play The Sax 🙂


YES – I want to Have Fun, Play Sax, Be Awesome and Repeat !


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