Interview With TickerTV
Recently I had the enjoyable experience of being interviewed on an online news site here in Australia called TickerTV, and their show called “On The Download”.
On The Download is TickerTV’s show about Internet Culture and the Digital Entertainment Business. They talk to podcasters, Youtubers and other content creators about how they make content, the business side of their operation and about being part of the self-employed, make it yourself generation of media stars.
It was really interesting and great fun. Ryan, the Host, was very friendly and made the conversation really easy.
The audio turned out alright, but my laptop could not seem to cope with the lights at my end. It looked fine on my screen during the recording, but the play back is obviously washed out and out of focus….never mind, these things can’t be helped in a live interview !
In this On The Download interview we discussed:
- online learning and online saxophone lessons,
- following your passion,
- being your own boss,
- “the power is in the niche” ,
- it’s never too late to start – either learning or launching your business,
- and how uniqueness is a positive aspect to your business.
Thanks for the chat Ryan and TickerTV !
For the full episode that I was in, including all of the other interviewees, check out the On The Download June 22nd 2020 episode 🙂
Please don’t forget to Have Fun, Play Saxophone, Be Awesome and Repeat 🙂
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