Relax and Learn Sax.
Everyone is busy.
We’ve all got physical commitments that need attention on a daily basis – school, college / university, work, running our kids around to/from school and their sporting, artistic or musical endeavours, commuting, grocery shopping, housework, etc, etc, etc.
Then, just when you think life can’t get any busier, suddenly you find yourself caring for your ageing parents as well as looking after your own children.
Looking after yourself becomes a concept that you know needs addressing, but regularly gets pushed into the too hard basket.
Not enough time. I need to do this first. Once I’ve done 17 other things, THEN I’ll do my thing.
Do you ever think to yourself, “I’d love some ME time !!”
You’ve probably got all of your family’s events scheduled in your calendar already. Why not schedule in some time for you to pursue or renew your hobbies and passions ?
When you were at school, you probably were very much into music – learning your saxophone (or other instrument), playing in several of the school bands and orchestras and generally enjoying every minute of it.
Do you remember how time used to fly when you were actively engaged in playing your saxophone ?
Do you remember unpacking your sax, starting to play, then suddenly you blinked and an hour had disappeared ?
Do you remember the sense of calm that most likely enveloped you during these saxophone sessions ?
Fast forward to now – when was the last time you blinked and missed an hour, or half an hour, or even 10 minutes ?
Relaxation and Meditation are two words that are bandied about a lot. We know that we should “relax”. We know that we should “meditate”. But most of us don’t actually know how.
Relaxation and/or Meditation does not need to involve hairy gurus wearing robes and eating lentils while chanting and levitating.
In its purest form, Relaxation and even Meditation are concepts based around the idea of slowing your mind and slowing your body.
Turning off the ten thousand thoughts and distractions in your mind – even for a few minutes – can have a wonderful effect on a person.
This is where playing your saxophone comes in.
More often than not, actually playing music and being lost in your music can have the same effect.
Think of your saxophone lessons as “mental floss”.
Playing your saxophone can be extremely relaxing. You can use your saxophone sessions as a form of meditation.
Even if you are playing heavy metal music, or hard rock n roll, or blues, or jazz, or funk or relaxation music: it can have the same relaxation effect.
By distracting yourself with your saxophone, by learning how to play the sax, or how to play a particular song on your saxophone (or any other musical instrument), you CAN get into a quiet and calm zone, away from the turmoil of the day.
Zen and the Art of the Saxophone.
Playing your favourite song, or favourite style of music on your sax will make you feel better.
It will give you a sense of achievement. It will give you some time to yourself.
Playing your sax will deliberately – albeit temporarily – shut out the rest of the world, allowing you to recharge your batteries.
A recharged and relaxed person can then perform their daily tasks in a more efficient and mentally alert way.
As adults, we often don’t go out of our way to learn a new skill, or pursue a postponed passion.
We often put others ahead of ourselves. This is ok in the short term, but is often unsustainable in the long term.
By deliberately scheduling in some time to actively engage in your hobbies, your passions, some time for yourself and your saxophone, you will find that everything else that is going on in your life will become so much easier.
A happy person is more capable. A relaxed person can achieve more. A calm person can “keep on keeping on” for longer.
So, please make the effort for yourself.
Play your saxophone.
Play it loud, play it soft, play it fast, play it slow. Play the music that YOU want to play.
Even if it’s only for 10 minutes every day, or maybe every second day – just play sax !
Perhaps a better title for this post could have been “Relax and Play Sax” ?
P.S. If you would like simple step by step instructions to help you learn how to play the sax, all neatly organised in the one convenient location, all provided by an experienced saxophone teacher who can help you to play the music that you want to play quickly and easily, then check out our saxophone lessons membership options. Get started (or get restarted) on your saxophone journey today !
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