Saxophone Fingering Chart


When you first pick up a saxophone, it can look a little bit confusing and overwhelming – but that’s where a saxophone fingering chart becomes a handy little tool.

Unlike a piano, saxophone keys are not quite as easy to see or understand what is going on.  On a piano, you press a key and there is the note sounding in your ears.


A saxophone fingering chart is a visual reference of where to put your fingers on your sax.


It shows what notes sound when you place your fingers on individual keys.Saxophone Fingering Chart

All musical instruments have twelve possible notes:

C   C#   D   D#/Eb   E   F   F#/Gb   G   G#/Ab   A   A#/Bb   B

# = sharp     b = flat


These 12 notes can appear across different octaves.


For example, on a saxophone there are three main versions of all of these notes, except for A, G#/Ab and G where there are only two.

Some saxophones also only have two possible F# notes, whereas others have three possible F#’s.

So, if most notes on a saxophone have three possible options, each with a different fingering possibility (and some notes have several fingering possibilities), suddenly it can get a little tricky.

However, like all things, it only takes a short amount of time to learn how the fingering works on your saxophone.  This is where a saxophone fingering chart comes in !

Most beginners saxophone music books have a saxophone fingering chart in them, either at the front or the back.  Most good saxophone teachers will give you one during your first saxophone lessons.

You can print it out, or have it on your device of choice.  You can bring it up and look at it at a moments notice if you and your fingers need a little bit of pointing in the right direction.


If you would like a free saxophone fingering chart, please fill in the form below and I will happily send you one  🙂


Keep playing your sax !!

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