Saxophone Lessons Filming Behind The Scenes
For those who aren’t aware, this blog and website is dedicated to helping you to Have Fun, Play Saxophone, Be Awesome, Repeat !
A significant part of this is by the creation, filming and publishing of video saxophone lessons.
The main saxophone lessons are tailored to help beginners on their saxophone journey. Every now and then, I publish other how to play the saxophone videos…. such as the one below.
This video is a look over my shoulder, as it were, to show you how I make the saxophone lessons videos I publish on this blog and inside our Members Area. Think of it as a “behind the scenes” look at the process and setup.
In case you are interested, below is the complete and final version of the “making of” video above.
I am enjoying making these saxophone lessons videos for you.
It amazes me that people are watching from all over the world. Thank you, dear viewer 🙂
If I can help you learn how to play the saxophone in any way at all, please let me know in the comments below !
Not a member yet ? Join us and get access to the always increasing library of saxophone lessons and PDF cheat sheets.
P.S. If you would like simple step by step instructions to help you learn how to play the saxophone:
- all neatly organised in the one convenient location,
- all provided by an experienced saxophone teacher who can help you to play the music that YOU want to play quickly and easily,
- with a forum community to ask questions and receive (and give) answers
then check out our saxophone lessons membership options. Get started on your saxophone journey today !
Remember – I can help you learn How To Play The Sax 🙂
YES – I want to Have Fun, Play Sax, Be Awesome and Repeat ! – where saxophone lessons come to YOU !
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