Saxophone Practice.
Saxophone practice does not need to be tedious, or the equivalent of getting teeth extracted at the dentist.
The key to effective saxophone practice is to take your sax out of its case, put it together and ACTUALLY PLAY YOUR SAXOPHONE. As often as possible.
Five minutes a day saxophone practice most certainly beats 30 minutes once a week.
Ten minutes saxophone practice each day is better than one session of an hour once a week.
So, what should you actually do when practicing your saxophone ?
As long as your saxophone is in your mouth and you are making a noise with it, then anything else is a bonus.
However, may I suggest the following saxophone practice routine.
Scales – play some scales as a quick warm up. Up and down on a few different scales for a few minutes at the most.
Saxophone Long notes – play some long notes on your saxophone.
Play some songs from your previous lessons.
Play along with your favourite song. slow it down, break it into small parts and try to figure out each part by ear.
Just play.
Play often.
Play as much as you want to.
If it’s too hard, put your sax away and try again later.
Learning how to play the sax should be fun – if it’s not fun, then maybe try again with a different song, with a different mind set or wait until you’re in a better mood.
Saxophone practice should involve playing the music / style that YOU want to play.
Practice really does make perfect !
Do you have a saxophone practice routine ? Please let me know what you do with your saxophone practice in the comments below 🙂
P.S. If you would like simple step by step instructions to help you learn how to play the sax (just like this one in the video above), all neatly organised in the one convenient location, all provided by an experienced saxophone teacher who can help you to play the music that you want to play quickly and easily, then check out our saxophone lessons membership options. Get started on your saxophone journey today !
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