Saxophone Warm Ups
Saxophone Warm Ups – E Major scale.
In exactly the same way that Athletes need to warm up their bodies before competing, we Musicians need to warm up too.
We can progress further and faster with our chosen craft (saxophone !!!) and develop good habits which in turn make our playing easier and more enjoyable – if we do some saxophone warm ups. And then a wonderful cycle starts !
Saxophone Warm Ups
Saxophone Finger Exercises
Saxophone Scale Exercises
Alto Sax Scales
Whatever you want to call them, on the one hand, saxophone warm ups are not overly exciting. Sorry !!
BUT – if you do them every time you pick up your sax, you will very soon be able to play the music that YOU want to play.
By using the concepts in this video, you can apply them to other scales – including Chromatic Scales mentioned in another blog post.
The example here in this saxophone lesson is learning how to play E Major on the saxophone. Please go out of your way to apply this concept to your other scales.
In a nutshell, your saxophone playing, your tone, your embouchure and YOUR overall enjoyment of music will benefit from playing each note in a scale for 4 beats, then 2 beats, then 1 beat, then half a beat.
If you go out of your way to eat your vegetables, to do your exercises and do these saxophone warm ups in a controlled and deliberate way, you WILL get better at playing your saxophone.
Your fingers will get faster. You mouth will adjust more easily. Your sound will get better. Your brain and your ears will work together.
You will simply KNOW what note to play and when.
Please keep playing your saxophone !!
In the full lesson – as with all full lessons for all songs that we are learning inside the Members Area – we break the song or the concept down into bite sized pieces. We slow it down, we dissect it, we build on the individual components until we are confident and comfortable enough to give it all a red hot go.
We are all about quick wins, tips, hints and suggestions here at How To Play The Sax, and helping you take your saxophone playing to the next level !!
Even if you have never played the saxophone before, we can get you started and rocking and rolling in no time.
And the Cheat Sheets inside the Members Area makes learning how to play the saxophone easier too.
The full version of this saxophone lesson inside the Members Area runs for 16 minutes.
Please don’t forget to Have Fun, Play Saxophone, Be Awesome and Repeat 🙂
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If you would like simple step by step instructions to help you learn how to play the saxophone, all neatly organised in the one convenient location, all provided by an experienced saxophone teacher who can help you to play the music that you want to play quickly and easily, then check out our saxophone lessons membership options. Get started on your saxophone journey today !
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